monday monday monday

did you see this mercy ships spotlight on 60 minutes last night? made my heart skip a beat as i have always admired this organization. mercy ships is actually a major reason i became a nurse. i had no idea that healthcare or caring for the sick could look like this- so selfless and merciful- and i strive to make that the core of who i am as a nurse.

in other monday news:
gracie finally has a fear: the dark! still a daredevil when it comes to jumping off of high surfaces and telling me to go away so she can swim all by herself! but at least she understands what fear is 🙂

i’ve been busy in the art studio during naps; inspired by fabric and other textures. #NaptimeCreations

hop on over to SPILLING PAINT to see more #NaptimeCreations.

p.s. have you noticed the instagram feed on the right side of my blog? check out some noonday collection must haves in my sample sale!