mom victories

i joke that rad’s happy place is his high chair. the boy can eat although i feel as though the novelty of it has worn off for him and it’s not as exciting any more. i used to have great mom pride in his willingness to eat foods of all varieties. he would gleefully eat brussel sprouts, fish and asparagus, just to name a few ridiculously weird foods for kids to enjoy. i didn’t have to make special meals for him (like picky carb addicted sister). he. would. eat. anything. nowadays most of his meals end up on the floor as he thoroughly enjoys pitching his food, piece by piece around the kitchen. my kindly stern “no no’s” haven’t made a dent, in fact, he gets so much enjoyment out of this mealtime sport that i can’t even make eye contact with him sometimes because it just makes me giggle (although the giggles don’t last long as i’m constantly cleaning the floor!) i was trying to think of the turning point and i believe it was his first birthday. you know, the epic day when every child eats cake and ice cream for the first time (in theory)? well that’s what did him in. he knows that the grass truly is greener on the other side. and that milestone somehow made me relax a bit too. won’t eat your dinner? oh here’s a popsicle because clearly you’re teething, again. didn’t pack healthy food for a meal out, just eat some of your sister’s french fries and cookies. sister was a lost cause early on…she never enjoyed the art of eating so i consider it a victory with her if she can sit still long enough to take three bites of anything to sustain her until the next time she slows down! this probably falls into the category of “i’ll never be that kind of mom,” and well i had those expectations for myself as well BUT what i have found to be the most important is to find enjoyment in these “phases.” rad may accidentally hit you with a piece of flying food if you’re ever dining next to us at a restaurant but at the end of the day he knows that his momma loves him fiercely and will do whatever it takes to meet his every need. that’s the mom victory i’m aiming for these days!

rad’s first birthday