11 months

thanksgiving day marked 11 months since i walked into a surgery center and walked out the same day with a replaced hip. the surgery itself, although a major operation, is minor in my mind but the weight of the 18 years leading up to it is major to me. i began experiencing clicking and discomfort in my left hip in college, an x-ray and visit to an orthopedist later, I was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. over the course of a career that had me on my feet for over twelve hours a day, carrying the weight of two pregnancies and years of worsening pain…this diagnosis became this debility that brought on depression from chronic pain, limits on activities, and just flat out exhaustion from hurting all the time. i saw countless surgeons, had two minor surgeries through the years to “patch” tears and buy me some time but it became evident in the last few years that the pain screaming at me was serious. i feel so fortunate to have found the surgeon i did, and so grateful i didn’t put it off any longer as i had already developed severe arthritis and avascular necrosis. i am proud of myself for advocating for my health and persisting when multiple opinions told me i was too young for this or that i should wait longer before surgery. recovery was physically easy but mentally difficult as i beat myself up for not being able to care completely for my home and kids. i am most thankful for the support of my family and friends during that time. and my sweet kiddos. i will always cherish the moments rad cheered me on every time i took steps with my walker and how gracie taught herself how to make coffee for me in the mornings.
