foster care

  • reflecting

    dear baby a,we received a surprise update on you the other day and a picture. you look so beautiful, healthy and peaceful. i instantly broke down into tears when i saw that picture of your sweet smile in your sleep. i remembered the short time you lived with us. i felt your sweet spirit as if you were in my arms again. we are so thankful that you are back with your family and pray that you don’t ever have know about us; that you never have to hear the words foster family again. we hope you are protected from the hurt, neglect and pain that you endured during the…

  • one unforgettable birthday

    i will never forget this day. almost a month ago, the most amazing little being came into our lives through foster care. we instantly fell in love, she was a fighter, a true miracle given her rough beginning to life. we nourished her. we nurtured her. we loved her far beyond what we believed our limits were. she instantly sprung to life, grew, developed, thrived. from the beginning of our journey with caring for the orphan, our goal and desire has been adoption. we have been careful about which placement to say yes to and waited for the “right” child to bring into our home. i hoped that the “right”…

  • where I disappeared to…

    the cps stork dropped this bundle of joy off a few weeks ago and we are spending every minute loving and nurturing…we are blessed by the opportunity to meet this tiny angel. pray with us. more to come on this incredible journey.

  • change of plans

    i had great expectations for this summer break from work, particularly that we would be called right away with a foster placement and we would have plenty of time to adjust before i returned to work. oh my goodness, i had it all planned out in my mind. well i don’t believe that my hopes stray from the Lord’s plan for us but clearly my timing is off. “as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (isaiah 55:9) i’m very familiar with this timing thing as i definitely struggle with being impatient. i have this sense of urgency…

  • the fatherless

    my heart has been more heavily convicted than ever about adoption. i’ve come across some amazing stories via blogs or meeting people in person that have left me speechless. left me eager to say YES and grow our family through adoption: “for in you the fatherless find compassion.” Hosea 14:3. the fact is that there are far too many children without homes, without parents and we have been blessed with extra love, attention, resources, etc to give. “God sets the lonely in families” Psalm 68:5-6. my mind naturally thinks about the stumbling blocks that keep preventing us from immediately opening our door; i’m thankful for the Lord’s provisions and timing because He will take care…